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ALARA Training

Commissioned training can be held online or in-person.

As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) is a one-day training course for managers, department heads, members of the workplace radiation safety committee or health and safety committee. The purpose of the ALARA course is to give participants an understanding of radiation and radiation safety from a technical and administrative stand-point. It would also be interesting to all employees who interact with radiation sources.

Why Learn With Us

To improve the overall culture of safety, ensure safety of those working with radiation sources and be prepared for responding to worker safety concerns.

The course is delivered by our skilled team of teachers are experienced educators.

Subjects Covered

    • ALARA Principle
    • Approaches to ALARA
    • Management control
    • Personnel qualification and training
    • Control of occupational and public exposure
    • Planning for unusual situations
    • Line sources
    • Plane sources
    • Gamma shielding
    • Half-value layer
    • Absorbed dose
    • Equivalent dose
    • Radiation weighting factor
    • Effective dose
    • Tissue weighting factor
    • Exposure
    • Exposure-dose relationship
    • Line sources
    • Plane sources
    • Gamma shielding
    • Half-value layer
ALARA courses are available as an on-site option at the request of the client.

To request a session please contact Lynn MacDonald, Manager of Training.

Tel: (416) 650 9090 ext. 325 | Fax (416) 650 9920 | Email: