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Message from Hon Steven W Mahoney, President and CEO of the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Brett Wilson of Dragons Den fame, calls himself a “Graduate” of the fight with cancer, not just a “Survivor”. Either way it is an apt description of the most difficult battle any of us can ever face. My personal experience with cancer has taught me that everyone is affected, either directly or indirectly through a friend or a loved one with the scourge of our times. Having joined Brett as a “Graduate” and proud to also say I am a “Survivor”, I am asking for your help. The statistics say cancer will hit one in three. Yet we have the best science, dedicated professionals and money available to defeat this disease. Clearly, however, that is not enough. The people and organizations working on a cure need our help.


We at THE RADIATION SAFETY INSTITUTE OF CANADA are dedicated to the “PREVENTION” of cancer and other occupational disease and I am personally committed to helping The Canadian Cancer Society find a “CURE” for cancer. I hope you will join me.


Below please find a link to the information to register at the first annual Radiation Safety Golf Tournament, with the proceeds going to the Canadian Cancer Society. Joining me as Co-Chair is Dr. Iggy Kaneff. The date is September 11th at Iggy’s famed Lionhead Golf and Country Club.


Please join us on September 11, 2013 for a great day on the links. Donate a prize or sponsor part of the event.