NUVIA Tech Instruments Partnership
Radiation Safety Institute of Canada is proud to announce its partnership with NUVIA Tech Instruments in becoming a distributor of its portable contamination monitor for highly sensitive measurements of α- and β-/γ-contamination.
CoMo 170 is one of to the most modern instruments in the field of surface contamination monitors.
A key advantage of the CoMo 170 monitor is the innovative detector technology, which does not use any gas-flow or gas-filled detectors at all.
A thin-layer plastic scintillation detector is used. This type of detector is both α and β/γ sensitive. In case of mechanical damage of the detector foil, the detector does not have to be repaired by the manufacturer.
Time consuming and expensive repairs (usual or xenon detectors) are no longer necessary.
To order the detector and for more information please contact Brian Bjorndal: bbjorndal@radiationsafety.ca at the National Laboratories – Saskatoon.
Working with open unsealed radioactive
material can lead to contamination
of persons, equipment and surfaces.
Therefore, regular controls are mandatory
to ensure the safety of humans and the
environment. Mobile contamination
monitors such as the CoMo-170 or
CoMo-300 are used for direct and
indirect contamination measurements.
Combined with dedicated accessories,
these powerful measuring devices
provide a complete solution for
contamination control and clearance
• No gas-filled or gas-flushed detector
• 2 in 1 instrument: α- and β-/γ-
contamination measurement with
only one detector, no detector change
• Large detector surface allows fast and
effective monitoring
• Combination of robust design and
high efficiency
• Very light device with ergonomic
housing design allows one hand
• Background measurement and
• User-friendly menu structure
operated by just 5 function keys
• Various accessories
Product applications
• Nuclear technology
• Clearance measurements
• Research centers
• Nuclear medicine
• Civil protection
• Industry
• Incoming goods inspection
• Fire brigades
• Customs
• Police